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What information is available about CIBC's common shares?

Information about CIBC's common shares, including stock exchange listings, restrictions on ownership, share repurchase and stock splits. Our Shareholder Investment Plan helps you increase your investment in CIBC’s common shares by offering you convenience and cost savings.

Should you buy Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) stock?

Stockchase rating for Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) is calculated according to the stock experts' signals. A high score means experts mostly recommend to buy the stock while a low score means experts mostly recommend to sell the stock. What is Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) stock symbol?

What information does CIBC provide?

Our common share information includes common dividends, common share description, Shareholder Investment Plan, and shareholder return. Our preferred shares information includes preferred dividends, preferred share description, and preferred share ratings. Our dealers and analysts who cover CIBC's share price performance.

What is a CIBC shareholder investment plan?

Our Shareholder Investment Plan helps you increase your investment in CIBC’s common shares by offering you convenience and cost savings. For information on certain tax matters related to U.S. shareholders of CIBC and the CIBC stock split on May 13, 2022, review Form 8937, Report of Organizational Actions Affecting Basis of Securities (PDF, 270 KB).

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